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Hey guys, looking for 3 more workers for my [account creating] services. 


Must be well rounded in leveling/questing


please read TOS below.. 




1. You will need to pay a 10m deposit before starting the service. This will be NOT be refundable if you choose to leave, it will also NOT be refundable if you are caught scamming or are kicked from the team.

2. You may not work on any orders outside of the service, If you are you will be kicked without a refund.

3. On every order you complete I will deduct 8% of the payment.

5. Whether you have any uncompleted orders or not you must check in with me everyday and report your progress

6. You may not take any payments from customers

7. You may not take any orders for our service UNLESS I gave you permission 

8. Reasons you may be kicked:

- Not completing an order you've accepted 

-Being inactive without informing me before hand 

- disrespecting your co workers or customers

9. Any violation of the T.O.S will result in a termination WITHOUT refund!

10. You must never at any time have any disputes against you, IF you do it is at MY full discretion whether to remove you from the service or not.



(Please post in the thread below, Do not pm this to me)

Do you agree to the T.O.S:

Will you pay the deposit in full (must):

What position(s) are you applying for:

How many hours are you available a week:

Your Skype:



Positions available: (

you may apply to be someone who does more than one position, if so please list off everything you can do)






My skype: thebrokencrayon


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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you agree to the T.O.S: yes, definately.

Will you pay the deposit in full (must): I just got banned on my main account for doing bot tests for people, so instead maybe to gain your trusts I could just do some small jobs, or do some unpaid jobs until you realise im legit? thanks :)

What position(s) are you applying for: powerleveler/ quester

How many hours are you available a week: 30+

Your Skype: olleyolleyolley , already added you! :)


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