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Help with perm ban?


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You're out of luck, sorry!


Not necessarily.


You can try and see if your account was unbanned in the last week.

Alot of accounts that were banned for macroing have been unbanned.




Because, apparently, alot of accounts were hacked and botted on after being hacked.


My main actually got unbanned 2 days ago, even though I had a perm ban since july 2015; 




RuneScape forum source:


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Not necessarily.


You can try and see if your account was unbanned in the last week.

Alot of accounts that were banned for macroing have been unbanned.




Because, apparently, alot of accounts were hacked and botted on after being hacked.


My main actually got unbanned 2 days ago, even though I had a perm ban since july 2015; 




RuneScape forum source:


He is referencing the form that they had up on the RS official forums which allowed you to submit a username of a permanently banned account for them to check and see if it had been hacked and banned. However, as of late they have closed this form and won't be doing another for the time being.


The logic behind this would be that if you botted on a VPS you could theoretically claim that it was hacked and botted on. 

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He is referencing the form that they had up on the RS official forums which allowed you to submit a username of a permanently banned account for them to check and see if it had been hacked and banned. However, as of late they have closed this form and won't be doing another for the time being.


The logic behind this would be that if you botted on a VPS you could theoretically claim that it was hacked and botted on. 


I'm aware of the form you're referring to -- check out the links I provided.


My account was unbanned after a perm ban, even though I didn't submit to the 'Macro Ban Review' form..


As far as I'm aware, the account was never hacked.

However, in july 2015 (when I didn't play RS *at all*) I got a macro ban, somehow.


I don't know why I've been unbanned, but you can always try on the RuneScape forums.

Edited by Gojira
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