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[Experts please help!] Hosting website for an event (Scenario)


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Hi guys, I need your help and wishes to know some of your opinions on this issue. 


Assume I, as a company, needs to host a website for a sports competition and needs to know almost every details to host it.



This website needs to provide ticketing sales, display scores of the game matches as well as updates of news and reports. The event will last for 20 days and the website needs to go live 3 months before the actual event to allow people to purchase ticket online. Lastly, the website will continue to operate for 6 months after the event.


Firstly, to start things off, the platform of hosting is in-house hosting and I cannot use cloud computing.



1. The application can be developed using any programming language.

2. Average page view per day is estimated to be 70,000 page views with each page view data estimate at 400KB. The page views increase by 250% during the games period, with page view data increase by 150%.


Meaning to say:

Page views data - 70,000 x 400KB = 20GB 

Page views data during games period - 175,000 x 600KB = 105GB


3. Average data upload (game scores, news, reports, etc) to be about 600MB during games period.

4. Average ticket sales transaction is estimated to be 250 transactions per day for the first three months period and gradually reduced to 150 transactions subsequently. 



1. Based on the information above, I need to know the server, network and storage configuration, taking into account the failover requirement. (A chart of comparison can be used if you feel there are several options available)

2. Based on the configuration, estimate the cost of setting up the servers for hosting this website. Including the cost for software, network, telecommunication, power space and IT staff. (Assumptions and reasonable estimation for costs can be made here)



So all in all, these are the following things I need to know:


Software requirements

1. List of softwares that are required to run the applications, including OS, database. No need for client machine though.


Hardware requirements

1. List of servers that is needed, memory and hard disk space. 


2. Like for example, if you propose Windows Server 2012, find out how much memory is required to run the server adequately to server the number of users.


3. A hardware model that meets the requirement in 1.


Network requirements

1. The kind of network traffic that is needed to be supported.


Security requirements

1. The kind of IT security that is needed to be supported, from your own assumptions of hackers attack(Please state).


Cost analysis

Show the cost calculation for the first and second year. Can use tables to present data for ease!




Thank you in advance! 


P.S. I was told by a senior in school that this is going to be one of my assignments nearing the end of this year, so I'm just trying to do a little research. My research didn't amount to much so I was thinking of enquiring the experts(you all) to gain some insights and knowledge regarding this. 

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Well, for starters, let's assume you're renting a 1U dedicated server in a datacentre for $99.99/mo. Your server has 16GB RAM, a quad core 2.8GHz intel xeon and a 1TB HDD, with a 1gbps uplink.

You pay approximately $0.01/gb incoming traffic, and about $0.03/gb outgoing traffic.

You'd be paying $0.60/day when not in games peroid, and about $3.15/day when in the games period.

You're going to be paying 90x $0.60 and 20x $3.15 which is a total of $117 in terms of bandwidth. Including incoming traffic may get you to around $125.

Your server would be running some form of Linux (eg CentOS), so you do not pay for the OS. To further save money, you use php5 and nginx for your web server and web language of choice. These are both free. However, since you are not setting it up, expect to pay around $100 for some IT technicians to do it for you. Since you are also looking for a managed solution, you would probably pay another $50/mo.


In terms of security, you don't need too much. You could probably get your IT technicians to change the SSH port, enable RSA keys for SSH, disable root login, and add iptables rules to protect further for another $100 or so.


You can do the calculations yourself. If you are looking for totally in-house solutions, the server would cost around $399 to purchase and maybe a static $59 per month to keep the server up 24/7.



These are all estimates though, so don't take them seriously (do your own research)

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You pay approximately $0.01/gb incoming traffic, and about $0.03/gb outgoing traffic.

You'd be paying $0.60/day when not in games peroid, and about $3.15/day when in the games period.

You're going to be paying 90x $0.60 and 20x $3.15 which is a total of $117 in terms of bandwidth. Including incoming traffic may get you to around $125.





Am I right to say that by the looks of all these features, I won't need to pay for the incoming traffic and outgoing traffic? 


Because I couldn't find anywhere on the website(the servers I found) regarding the price charges for incoming/outgoing traffic.

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