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Dispute against TheRealSwaps


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Disputed member: TheRealSwaps

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78477-mith-gloves-prequests/ (hidden for me now)

Explanation: Basically it was requested to do subquests for RFD and RFD up to mithril gloves.

The payment was supposed to be 7mill gold. Seeing I wasn't trusted as much I decided to do deposit. I pm'd The realswaps asking if he would let me do it and if we could discuss it on skype.  



The skype listed in the thread was: vps45fam2 which I proceeded to add.



[screenshots visible to staff]



If you go on the link you can view multiple screenshots and see the full skype conversation.

He deleted the last few posts but it said something along the lines of:
"thanks for your money"

"gg retard"


In the end to cut things short, I was going to RFD + subs for him for 7m gold. Seeing he had 100+ feedback I didn't mind doing a 10m deposit towards him. This deposit ended up being 66 blue partyhats and 1.7m gold. He however then asked for even more money because he appearantly had some untradeables on it and it was worth a bit more. I said I didn't want to and wanted my deposit back, he said no and I said well you can't just change the deposit price once I already paid and he said that's the only way. I refused and wanted my deposit back so he could get someone more trusted. Seeing as I said I would report he flamed a bit which he deleted afterwards. Skype convo shows it all.



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sorry itz not me

Okay bai.


He might've done that but does it say that in the thread?

As I was thinking I was dealing with swaps, him saying aswell he has 100+ feedback. 

You're right, he did made you think you were dealing with him. He never stated the Skype wasn't his. I went ahead and requested him to reply here as well.

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So basically I want to say sorry because this is from my tablet because I'm at school.

James messaged in our chat saying someone needed our services (it's a aio service group chat) I was at school at the time but I was still on skype so I decided to see what he was paying. I offered 8m then he wanted me to do it for 7m so I accepted. I already had 2 orders at that time that I needed to finish (Eric script managers and Nike) so I said I can finish this tomorrow. This guy starts flaming me (james can show aswell) I was just going to leave it then but I stilled tried to get him someone to help him With the order. FurKy joined the chat but wanted too much and left. I decided to post for him , I asked him and he said ok. I posted that this skype needed mith gloves. So I left the post...

This guy's attitude instantly changes and he's saying thank you and other stuff, so I think nothing of it. I wait and he said no one has added him , Dbuffed posted (I've already apologized to him) that he got harassed by the toxic guy and then Dbuffed proceeds to go on about reporting me for doing and I quote (you're skype you're responsible) ....which seems weird now and set up lol.

I don't know how to screen shot on this tablet sorry so I will do it at home

Also , why did quickzr give him 10m when the job was quoted for 7m....

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Shows it in the skype convo mostly. Mostly due to the fact he had items worth more then that on his account, or so he said.

I honestly do not care if  it was for a friend as you didn't post any of that nor did he make any showing that it was not well, you.

He acted like he was you and the pm you send me didn't make it clear that it was a friend either.

It was your lack of effort into the topic and not giving enough attention to it, it's therefor your responsibility. 

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So basically I want to say sorry because this is from my tablet because I'm at school.

James messaged in our chat saying someone needed our services (it's a aio service group chat) I was at school at the time but I was still on skype so I decided to see what he was paying. I offered 8m then he wanted me to do it for 7m so I accepted. I already had 2 orders at that time that I needed to finish (Eric script managers and Nike) so I said I can finish this tomorrow. This guy starts flaming me (james can show aswell) I was just going to leave it then but I stilled tried to get him someone to help him With the order. FurKy joined the chat but wanted too much and left. I decided to post for him , I asked him and he said ok. I posted that this skype needed mith gloves. So I left the post...

This guy's attitude instantly changes and he's saying thank you and other stuff, so I think nothing of it. I wait and he said no one has added him , Dbuffed posted (I've already apologized to him) that he got harassed by the toxic guy and then Dbuffed proceeds to go on about reporting me for doing and I quote (you're skype you're responsible) ....which seems weird now and set up lol.

I don't know how to screen shot on this tablet sorry so I will do it at home

Also , why did quickzr give him 10m when the job was quoted for 7m....

The fact of the matter is still that you gave him a false sense of security by not telling him the Skype wasn't yours. If he knew the user wasn't registered on OSBot he probably wouldn't have went through with it.



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