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DDs Pure


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Hello fellas


Got like 10 more days of VIP mode, so I decided to make a 60 atk dds pure (drag scim and dds) mainly for duel arena staking but also for normal pking ofc :D


so id like to ask here: is this all i need basically? 


monkey madess

lost city

grand tree

gnome village


my goal is to get 60 atk and 70 str. i wont try to get more than 70 str since the banning mods are back and i really don't want to get banned. so ill just bot for a few hours for a week so i'd reach those goals..


my question is also, is it worth getting mith gloves, even tho ill mainly just stake in duel arena? i could just do pest control for 3/4 str lvls so i got that extra damage anyway..


thanks :D

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