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Dispute against Profile


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Disputed Member:Profile

Why it should be removed: because it's false? there is no proper reason, an a trade didnt go through.

Details: he randomly added my on Skype and asked if i wanted to buy his accounts, i asked him to show me stats he showed me stats i was interested in his zerker, i then asked for his osbot profile i seen he was VIP but only had 8 posts, i said no i cant do this this would be breaking the rules he ensisted and said "this can stay between me and you" an i said well the only way i'd do anything like this would to use a middleman and with you having 8 posts i dont think we could get one, he than said we could get one from p****bot, and kept talking about p****bot, while we were talking i was also talking to lyzed, who was giving me advice on what to do, after lyzed talking a bit of sense into me i then ended the call and told him nothankyou.


Link to topic: no topic he contacted me on skype.


skype chats:










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