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Are is interested to work with me? Al Kharid Warrior


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Are you interested to work with me? Al Kharid Warrior


Hello i am working on my Al kharid warrior bot but i need someone who knows how to use STATES and making a form where you can type food you would like to eat and get from bank.


Right now my bot is a bit slower then kwarrior and i would like to improve that


My bot can:

    Attack Warrior

    Open doors if there is a warrior inside.

    Show info about Time,Xp and so on...


I Wish to:

    Go to Bank for food

    Having a form for the kind of food you would like to get in bank

   Faster or as fast as Kwarrior 




Edited by hajar424
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So are you asking for someone to do the work for you? Look up how to use window builder/whatever jframe builder you prefer. Check to see if a warrior is around, and if he is, check if he's reachable, and if he's not reachable open the nearest door.

Look at pugs guide for learning paint, it's on the scripting help section, and I'm sure you can find a snippet on te scripting help forum for banking and walking a path.

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For your GUI, look up JFrame.

For states:

public enum States {

public States getState() {
    if (....) {
        return States.ATTACK;
    return States.RUN;

public void onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    switch (getState()) {
        case ATTACK: //Attack

        case RUN: //Run
        // repeat etc
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For your GUI, look up JFrame.

For states:

public enum States {

public States getState() {
    if (....) {
        return States.ATTACK;
    return States.RUN;

public void onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    switch (getState()) {
        case ATTACK: //Attack

        case RUN: //Run
        // repeat etc

 I have already made a STAT but i have to improve it, i am not so good at Java


And i know JFrame i just dont know how to start with adding a button and implement it to my bot. What i need is someone who have time to just show me how to begin

Edited by hajar424
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