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ViceRoy Spartan Elo Boosting Scammer

Making Rice

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Disputed member: [member=ViceRoy Spartan]

Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/75620-viceroy-spartan-elo-boosting-services/


Explanation: Asked him for g1-p5. so far hes gone on a 7 loss streak and demoted me to g2 with 41 LP.. I had a 100% win rate on that account. it had amazing MMR. this guy is clearly not diamond skill he is trash... i would like him to pay me $40 so i can get an actual booster to put me to p5 as im too busy with orders to play myself.

please be aware that i did watch him play, he is TRASH, his farm and mechanics are bronze level. he claims his main is banned or said w/e and cant verify his rank.... clearly a scammer lol. so I want him to reimburse me to wasting my time, losing my LP and demoting me, as well as ruining my 100% rate...



[Removed, staff see hidden post]

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I've hidden the evidence as it contains your summoner info.


The user told you it would take 6 games, since then he has played 12 and lost 10 of them.


There are a few games where the user even got only 140~150 creep score in 40~50 minute games.


It's pretty clear this isn't going anywhere.


You were gold 1 0 LP Looking for Plat 5 for 15$. now you're gold 2 40lp.  @ViceRoy Spartan is to repay fully refund the 15$ order (if @Making Rice went first) as well as the losses for 15$ for the LP Loss and another 9$ MMR damages.


he has 24 hours to respond.

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I've hidden the evidence as it contains your summoner info.


The user told you it would take 6 games, since then he has played 12 and lost 10 of them.


There are a few games where the user even got only 140~150 creep score in 40~50 minute games.


It's pretty clear this isn't going anywhere.


You were gold 1 0 LP Looking for Plat 5 for 15$. now you're gold 2 40lp.  @ViceRoy Spartan is to repay fully refund the 15$ order (if @Making Rice went first) as well as the losses for 15$ for the LP Loss and another 9$ MMR damages.


he has 24 hours to respond.


he has continued to play games after i asked him to stop, he has lost 2 more, i am now on 21 LP

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