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ViceRoy Spartan Elo Boosting Services

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Welcome to my EloBoosting Service!

Prices are listed below prices are reduced if you already have a certain amount of LP in a rank







Keep in mind these prices are based on 21 lp + average per win, if you gain lower we might need to adjust the price.




  • all prices are with the promo's included for each rank.
  • Rs gold & Paypal Accepted small Discount on Rs Gold.
  • we now also support plat v -> diamond v But this price will depend on mmr lp gain and champs




  • All boosters use a vpn to keep your account safe from harm.
  • DUO QUE boosts are not supported at this moment






T.O.S ( You agree to these terms if you make use of this service )






1. Our Boosters Are the only one that are allowed to login during a service.


2. Bans AFTER our service is done and checked are not to be blamed on us.


3. we keep the right to win and lose as many games as we like as long as we deliver on time.


4. All orders have a 48 hour period to be completed UNLESS told outwise. ( keep in mind we all humans )


5. We can make changes to rune / mastery pages if we feel like it.


6. IF for some Reason our boosters couldnt deliver your order in time you get a 50% refund and the boost.


                                                                 IF ANY OF THESE RULES ARE BROKEN WE KEEP THE RIGHT TO STOP THE SERVICE WITHOUT REFUND.



Contact us by PM or skype : A.zekhnini

Edited by ViceRoy Spartan
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Hello, can you tell me a bit more about it please?

How exactly does this work?



lets say your bronze and you want diamond, because of the borders at the end of the season or some other reason.

we can play the games till you reach the rank, wich we can do far faster as we are all diamond v +.

Edited by ViceRoy Spartan
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It's mainly for people who are fairly bad at the game and wish to look good, or get the rewards for it at the end of the season. They're just raising your rank in the game. I believe CS:GO has the same exact type of boosting.

its just some are better then others you're only bad if you harras your team.

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