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Thinking About Starting A BF Starter Account Service Thoughts/Questions/Advice?


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Hey Guys! So I was thinking about running a service that sells accounts that are ready to bot Blast Forge. I wanted to ask questions and see what you guys thought before I give it a try.


So what the service would be is I would either have accounts in stock or I would take orders for people who wanted X amount of accounts and give it to them. There are a lot of different ways the account can be made and I will explain the different ways. It depends on what people want because there are a lot of variables that can be placed on an account.


Such as:

1. Do you want F2P/P2P.

2. If F2P do you want me to get rid of trade limit with 3 quests.

3. If P2P do you want me to level the account with waterfall or leave it level 3.

4. Do you want everything which is the combat level with 6 quests complete. 

5. There might be something I'm forgetting.


So there are different ways I could do the account (All This Is Done By Hand No Botting)

1. Tut>Doric's Quest>Knight's Sword>Done (F2P) There would be a trade limit on this one.

2. Tut>Romeo and Juliet>Doric's Quest>Knight's Sword>Done (F2P) No trade Limit

3. Tut>Cook's Assistant>Sheep Shearer>Doric's Quest>Knight's Sword>Done (F2P) If people want to add legitimacy or something (Maybe not Likely)

4.Any of the Above+Me buying a bond for the account (If people want me to mem it and they pay extra and this would also speed up the quest process by letting me use tabs/stamina pots.

5. Any of the above+waterfall quest if they want the bot to be leveled.

Those are all the way I can do it.


Alright, the cost for me in GP to create the account would depend on if they want F2P/P2P and if they choose P2P if they want it done faster. The costs would be at most 50k for all quests and its is probably not even that much and the cost of a bond. Also for each order I do if you wanted I would do the order on a completely new IP as i can change it whenever I want.


Now this would be the process which could go three ways. (Lets use 1 account as order example)

1. I have no accounts in stock and he provides one for me to train.

2. I have no accounts in stock, I make the email and account and give him both the email user/pass and rs user/pass.

3. I have accounts in stock and would give him the email and the account user and password.


Alright, that's all I can think of right now so here are my questions.

1. Would you want this service? Yes/No

If no why?

2. Would you use this service? Yes/No

If no why?

3. What improvements should I make/what else would you want to see in this service?

4. I listed the ways I would create the account, what would be the best one or should I provide like multiple packages?

5. What should I charge for service/the different charge amount for each package (see above for what would be different)

6. What would be a good T.O.S for this service.

7. What would be the best risk-free way to do this for you guys because I want the people who use it to be satisfied smile.png


If I think of anything else I will ask you guys.

If I do start this I will try to make it as risk free as possible smile.png


I look forward to your answers and thanks for reading this big hunk of text!

Feel free to ask me any questions

I'll also prob be in chatbox so you can tell me there too if you want! tongue.png

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