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Nightmares Dispute


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My last message to him, the deleted message was exactly the same as you can see the time. I just pasted in the wrong order: http://gyazo.com/6bfd86d95a4262e29f8d11fa15cc1981


Why I opened the dispute after waiting, since I was getting no replies but he was able to talk to everyone else: http://gyazo.com/c17de7258c4d2fef9081c0badaee6682


WHERE I GOT MY CONFUSION FROM WITH THE ANKOUS PROBLEM: http://gyazo.com/c1fb4c56d33068b29cbb86af78682cc4


I mean he's so paranoid and sure I was botting that he didn't care until he had to pay, right?: http://gyazo.com/1aece4a4c1fe23b50d1283289e85d443


Another screenshot of agreement and him just being a critter doge.png http://gyazo.com/1410e53708af0b215831d225822f4890


I bought full Rune, Combat bracelet, Gold Gloves and a Strength Amulet. The rest of the GP went towards getting the 43 prayer, dragon bones are expensive if you hadn't remembered. 17-43 prayer. The small amount of GP left like 60k? Wow make a dispute over a missing 60k doge.png Don't be so pathetic.


But as I even stated, if you aren't willing to pay, then you can give me the account to sell but you are held with liability if it gets recovered. Why would you not take this option if you're not happy with paying for the account? Please, stop beating around the bush and being so pathetic with your life and come to an agreement so we can move the fuck on.





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And the account hasn't been touched since I've done Priest in Peril. http://gyazo.com/698084dfd358b4f0a06a697a6f0dafea



Swaq, Making Rice and I went over this briefly and it is literally impossible to legit this account in the time frame he did. Unless he played 24 hours a day.

I know for a fact he didnt, please dont ask me for a screenie, use logic. Math doesn't lie.


Your proof needed Kirby, is the meth you smoked to be able to stay up for 80 hours solely training my rs acc without missing a click.... all for $30 worth of gp?

You're @ Cambridge University, isnt that like top 3 universities in UK? Pretty sure you're not dumb enough to do this for 80 hours straight. speaking of which.... tough to manage school when you're "legit" training my account 80 hours straight isnt it?


if any proof is needed, read my previous posts, makes me so mad that this isnt even settled yet. keep stacking lie after lie kirby. Entire Chatbox today knows u botted lol.


im going to sleep. 



I have already sat my exams and finished my first year, don't know what you're talking about and what you think you know and don't know about my personal life. It is around 30k/hr with Super Combat Potions according to OSBuddy which I used whilst I watched streams and botted my main. 


Priest in Peril was done already, after you reminded me that I had forgotten to do the quests. But this was already all covered in the OP.


Bringing in other members and friends to support yourself isn't going to make you seem more legitimate, and is just prolonging this for NO REASON. Just because you've taken up other jobs with other people doesn't prove your legitimacy for this exchange. It's between me and you. Not a quad way deal with me, you, Rice and Swaq.


I offered you the alternative which was fair, take the amount off the agreed amount, which is posted in this thread already at 15m. Take off questing service charges, I'll even let you have that measly 60k back if you want it, if you're really scraping the pennies. doge.png


Why would you refuse to resolve and co-operate because of your own suspicions?


At the moment, you're sitting there saying that people are going to get banned and trade with caution, like really? Grow up. You're not a staff member of these forums and get to make and throw these accusations etc.


As posted at the end of the OP


1. I'll happily take a % in relation to what WAS completed.


2. He takes the quest cost off the original amount.

3. He gives me the email and ownership of the account so I can sell it on, if he is really set on me "botting" the account. But if it gets recovered by him then he holds full liability.


Right now, I held my end of the deal (Apart from the Shades of Morton quest, but quite frankly, dealing with you further would be pointless). If staff want me to finish the quest off for you, upon their request. I will; but with the payment kept with a middleman whilst I do the quest to stop you from taking the piss even further.


Solution is easy, then we can just move on from this. Having this "never give up" attitude isn't working and is just wasting everybody's time. If you are sure that it is botted, which it isn't. Then you should have no problem in the fact of taking the third option listed.


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Last post is updated and I don't see how arguing will help in taking this any further. Please make your next post a solution rather than smashing your face into the keyboard. I'm not arguing with you about something so petty and stupid no longer. You don't pay, and refuse to give up ownership, means you scammed me, that makes YOU a scammer. You pick a solution, everything is resolved and we can move on.

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Oliver I think you made a slight mistake.

I put a bond + 1m gp on that account.

and he used bond + took off the 1m gp. + the profit he made from botting


and now i have to pay for quests that HE didnt do? :P 

idk what you mean by that. He never did any quests so why would i pay for them


and the gear/membership was mine...? xD 

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