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Negative Feedback


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Disputed Member:[member=SparkedRage]

Why it should be removed

Bad Feedback was given to my account because the person in question lost their dispute against me. Since he didn't get his money back, he left me negative feedback.


Person ordered a VPS from me, he lives in Australia. I have about 5 clients from Australia also. I setup his VPS and make sure everything is working before giving him the details. He then complains about it being "completely unusable", because he is located in Australia.

I am also from Australia, and I could use it with no problems. He then threatened to dispute me on PayPal. I said go ahead,

I am not obligated to refund anyone for a server that works PERFECTLY FINE. 

It is clearly stated in my TOS that refunds are at my discretion. I said I might refund him, but I took it into consideration and decided not to. It was at this point he started threatening me. It is also in my terms of service that Abusive Behavior towards me results in termination of their service. I think threats and an actual dispute agaisnt me comes under this criteria.

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Thank you smile.png


NOTE: for all the people reading this dispute and thinking that my servers aren't usable if you live in Australia, they are completely usable. I'm not sure why the person who made this dispute agaisnt me couldn't use it, I personallly checked it before giving him it. This suggests he is lying about it, and probably doesn't want to use it because of a bit of lagg/delay. These servers are good enough for me to run my farm of 6 on, and I am from Australia too, just like him (along with 5 other clients).

Edited by Rekke
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Rekke was aware of the problems i faced with my VPS, due the location. i was unable to use it at all due to the huge amounts of lag. I then asked him for help and he told me "Im busy at the moment" He then told me that as soon as he sell the package i bought he will wipe my server sell it to some else and send me a refund.

This was fine after two days i message rekke wondering how it was going and he told me straight up im a square head and that i need to think out of the box, he also informed me that he will not be giving me  a refund, i spoke to another vps provider on this site and he told me my network problems are normal and that Rekke shouldve notified me earlier of the problems i couldve faced while trying to use the vps in australia.

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also another point is, why would i complain if the VPS was working? Considering i need one and im still looking for one that works effectively without lagg in australia?


Also have proof of him denying me help with the server, and terminating my VPS

And, if you want i will show you and rex Via screenshare that you are totally unable to use your vps from my location!


thats how far im willing to go



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" i spoke to another vps provider on this site and he told me my network problems are normal and that Rekke shouldve notified me earlier of the problems i couldve faced while trying to use the vps in australia. "

It is actually stated in my thread that the location of the server from you will determine the lag. Might want to read twice :p


Rekke was aware of the problems i faced with my VPS, due the location. i was unable to use it at all due to the huge amounts of lag. I then asked him for help and he told me "Im busy at the moment

By problems, you mean a bit of lag? I don't know how many times I have to say this, I use the very same servers and I live in Newcastle, Australia. I do not experience this "huge amount of lag". If you are experiencing this, it is most likely your side, and you cannot accuse me.


"This was fine after two days i message rekke wondering how it was going and he told me straight up im a square head and that i need to think out of the box, he also informed me that he will not be giving me  a refund,"

Read ToS please, I stated that refunds are at my discretion :/


"Also have proof of him denying me help with the server, and terminating my VPS"

Read ToS please, any abusive behavior towards me results in termination of service, threats and dispute agaisnt me on PayPal is under that criteria.



Basically, Sparked either is experiencing the same lag as I do myself which is not that much at all, hence why I run my own bots on my own servers.

If he experiencing any more lag than I do, this has to be from his end, not mine. 

Either way, in no way would I be obligated to refund him.

All my replies/conversations with him have been in a timely/professional manner.

I tried my best to work something out but I was not willing to refund something, and in my ToS it states that the refunds are at my discretion.


I have 100% followed my terms and treated Sparked with respect and professionalism, just because I did not refund him does not mean I should have to deal with a negative feedback on my profile.


Please remove this negative feedback from my profile, I will remove mine from his and we can both leave it as is.

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" i spoke to another vps provider on this site and he told me my network problems are normal and that Rekke shouldve notified me earlier of the problems i couldve faced while trying to use the vps in australia. "

It is actually stated in my thread that the location of the server from you will determine the lag. Might want to read twice tongue.png


Rekke was aware of the problems i faced with my VPS, due the location. i was unable to use it at all due to the huge amounts of lag. I then asked him for help and he told me "Im busy at the moment

By problems, you mean a bit of lag? I don't know how many times I have to say this, I use the very same servers and I live in Newcastle, Australia. I do not experience this "huge amount of lag". If you are experiencing this, it is most likely your side, and you cannot accuse me.


"This was fine after two days i message rekke wondering how it was going and he told me straight up im a square head and that i need to think out of the box, he also informed me that he will not be giving me  a refund,"

Read ToS please, I stated that refunds are at my discretion :/


"Also have proof of him denying me help with the server, and terminating my VPS"

Read ToS please, any abusive behavior towards me results in termination of service, threats and dispute agaisnt me on PayPal is under that criteria.

Basically, Sparked either is experiencing the same lag as I do myself which is not that much at all, hence why I run my own bots on my own servers.
If he experiencing any more lag than I do, this has to be from his end, not mine. 
Either way, in no way would I be obligated to refund him.
All my replies/conversations with him have been in a timely/professional manner.
I tried my best to work something out but I was not willing to refund something, and in my ToS it states that the refunds are at my discretion.
I have 100% followed my terms and treated Sparked with respect and professionalism, just because I did not refund him does not mean I should have to deal with a negative feedback on my profile.
Please remove this negative feedback from my profile, I will remove mine from his and we can both leave it as is.


The image @Sparkedrage posted clearly shows you were going to refund him. Why would you say that if it's not your intention?

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Dex and Rekke, i will show you via screenshare how unusable the server is. 

if Rekke is willing to let me. Which he should be? Because he is stating the Vps should be useable? 

like i have nothing to hide!

i would not have made a complaint if the Vps could work from my end! as a VPS should.

I've PM'd you my Skype.

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The VPS in question is now blank, you would need to contact me to show how "unusable" it is. :/

I would also like to say, I decided agaisnt the refund because I tested the VPS after saying I would refund, and it was fine.

I'm sorry for saying I would refund you, but that really doesn't call for a dispute on paypal, and then a negative feedback on my profile.

I didn't treat you badly, abuse you or break any rules, why should this lead to a negative feedback on my profile?

the whole conversation I have been nice and patient, if I deserve a negative feedback for that, you deserve to be banned for abusive behavior towards me.

Dex I would also like to talk on skype, my replies are quite slow here.


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The VPS in question is now blank, you would need to contact me to show how "unusable" it is. :/

I would also like to say, I decided agaisnt the refund because I tested the VPS after saying I would refund, and it was fine.

I'm sorry for saying I would refund you, but that really doesn't call for a dispute on paypal, and then a negative feedback on my profile.

I didn't treat you badly, abuse you or break any rules, why should this lead to a negative feedback on my profile?

the whole conversation I have been nice and patient, if I deserve a negative feedback for that, you deserve to be banned for abusive behavior towards me.

Dex I would also like to talk on skype, my replies are quite slow here.


As I've said in the PM you sent me, I do NOT handle disputes on Skype. We are allowed to use Skype to verify several things but we cannot discuss the dispute on Skype. Feel free to post anything you would like to say!

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and if the vps worked properly, i wouldve never disputed. If a service does not work correctly it is my right to dispute, as well as negative feedback.

Rekke getting mad about the paypal dispute, honestly thats the only reason he is so mad, there wasnt any abusive behaviorz54cRHn.png

Then he cancelled my service, On the grounds of abusive behaviomKAnhj8.pngr "The paypal Dispute" 

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