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T3 Pizza-baser


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thanks for sharing the source,

i made a mod for it.. i was too lazy to cut diamonds into bolt tips

so made this

hope it helps someone

since it takes about 1:20 to complete the inv, i added simple antiban, move screen after making all, and moves the mouse outside of screen, to appear more afk

package Skeleton;

import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

@ScriptManifest(author = "Tw3nty - mod by iz0n", info = "cuts diamonds to bolt tips", name = "diamond cutter", version = 0.2, logo = "")
public class T3Pizzabaser extends Script {

    private long timeBegan;
    private long timeRan;
    private int itemsMade;
    private int itemsMadehr;

    public void onStart() {
        log("Let's make some motherfucking Diamond Bolt Tips!");
        timeBegan = System.currentTimeMillis();
        itemsMade = 0;

    private enum State {

    private State getState() throws InterruptedException {
        if (inventory.contains("Chisel") && inventory.contains("Diamond")) {
            return State.MAKE;
        else if (bank.open()) {
            if (bank.contains("Chisel") && bank.contains("Diamond")) {
                return State.BANK;
            else {
                return State.STOP;
        else {
            return State.IDLE;

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
        switch (getState()) {
            case MAKE:
                if (bank.isOpen()) {
                    sleep(random(110, 320));
                log("Case == MAKE");
                inventory.interact("Use", "Chisel");
                log("Interacting BoW...");
                sleep(random(110, 320));
                if (inventory.isItemSelected()) {
                    inventory.interact("Use", "Diamond");
                    log("Interacting PoF...");
                    sleep(random(970, 1975));
                if (getDialogues().isPendingOption()) {

                    RS2Widget pizzaBase = widgets.get(309,2);
                    if (pizzaBase != null) {
                        pizzaBase.interact("Make All");
                        log("Interacting widget...");
                        camera.movePitch(random (20,130)+15);
                        camera.moveYaw(random (20,130)+25);
                        sleep(random(83000, 85000));
                        itemsMade += 27;
            case BANK:
                log("Case == BANK");
                if (inventory.contains("Chisel", "Diamond")) {
                    sleep(random(110, 320));
                else if (!inventory.isEmpty()) {
                    sleep(random(110, 320));
                if (!inventory.contains("Diamond")) {
                    bank.withdraw("Diamond", 27);
                    sleep(random(110, 320));
            case IDLE:
                sleep (random(9100,11320));
            case STOP:
        return random(200, 300);

    public void onExit() {
        log("ENJOY Diamond YOUR BOLT TIPS!");

    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
        timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan;
        itemsMadehr = (int)(itemsMade / ((System.currentTimeMillis() - timeBegan) / 3600000.0D));
        g.drawString("Time ran: " + ft(timeRan), 10, 35);
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#");
        g.drawString("Diamonds cut: " + df.format(itemsMade), 10,50);
        g.drawString("Diamonds per hour: " + df.format(itemsMadehr), 10,65);

    private String ft(long duration)
        String res = "";
        long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration);
        long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration)
                - TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration));
        long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration)
                - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
        long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(duration)
                - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
        if (days == 0) {
            res = (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
        } else {
            res = (days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);
        return res;


Edited by iz0n
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