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So I am trying to walk to the bank with the preset VARROCK_WEST bank from the API


ATM my code looks like:

if (Banks.VARROCK_WEST.contains(myPlayer())){
} else {

VARROCK_WEST is an PolygonArea but the walk method expects an Area.. 

Can anyone give me a hand ?


Thanks :)

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Make your own area and just do it like




but, if you're to far away it wont walk you there.


What i'd do is make an array of positions and have it walk to the bank that way, instead of going into the bank by trying to make it walk into an area. Sorry if that's confusing I can't figure out how words work right now.

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How would I do this for shearing sheep in lumbridge and I'd like to walk/run to top of castle and back and repeat. I'm new to writing script but I learn fast

How would I do this for shearing sheep in lumbridge and I'd like to walk/run to top of castle and back and repeat. I'm new to writing script but I learn fast

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How would I do this for shearing sheep in lumbridge and I'd like to walk/run to top of castle and back and repeat. I'm new to writing script but I learn fast

How would I do this for shearing sheep in lumbridge and I'd like to walk/run to top of castle and back and repeat. I'm new to writing script but I learn fast


Download MMU. If you can't find the link on the forums, pm me and i'll send the .jar to you for it. Basically you can just draw a line on the runescape map and it generates the code for you that you need to walk.



and basically once you got the generated code all you would do is localWalker.walkPath(thisPath);

Edited by twin 763
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Basically you start at the mine, and hover over the tile you are stand on, then click on by one on minimap, recording every tile you land on until you get to the bank.

private Position[] bankPath = {
new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0),

new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0),

new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0), new Position(x,y,0)

^(This goes where you define your variables, top of script)

Fill in the x and y coordinate, leave the 0 (that is Z but you don't need to change for this script.)


Then to activate the walker do:


Edited by Acinate
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