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Need a team for Bandos


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I tried soloing Bandos a few times, didn't like it as i was always getting shit or my stuff runs out quickly. If you are in a similar spot and want to trio, for longer trips, post your stats and combat and we can go kill some Bandos. 


My stats are 93 attack, 92 strength, 94 hp and 96 defence with 116 combat. 


Skype is Mustikurupt 

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well im gettin da stats atm, if the offer is up all the time, we could do it sometime(preferably after im done gettin da stats), me and my friend have similar goals on gettin da stats so if ill be able to do it, then my friend might also be able to do it(that means +2 players to the team).


current stats, 64 att(working on 70+) 84 str(imo its fine), 49 def(working on 70+), 53pray(working on 70), 88 range(purfect imo, will use it for arma after im done gettin da reqs).


so yeah, if you are going to do this kind of activity all the time then thats good, we can hook up sometime soon, but if not then suckz.


also do you do other activity but bossing, like multi pking or so?

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well im gettin da stats atm, if the offer is up all the time, we could do it sometime(preferably after im done gettin da stats), me and my friend have similar goals on gettin da stats so if ill be able to do it, then my friend might also be able to do it(that means +2 players to the team).


current stats, 64 att(working on 70+) 84 str(imo its fine), 49 def(working on 70+), 53pray(working on 70), 88 range(purfect imo, will use it for arma after im done gettin da reqs).


so yeah, if you are going to do this kind of activity all the time then thats good, we can hook up sometime soon, but if not then suckz.


also do you do other activity but bossing, like multi pking or so?


I don't really pk, i want to do alot of pvm'ing first but i will consider it in the future once i am max main


also i do plan on doing this a few times a week, especially on weekends 

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