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#1 OsRsbay All in one service! #1 Service on the market!


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On 15-2-2018 at 3:24 PM, sevant said:

What service do you need: 1-61 Range / 1-50 Agility / 1-60 Magic / 1-70 Cooking

Do you agree with the t.o.s.: Yes

Did you add me on skype: Yes

Time frame we agreed both: start date: 13/02/18 - 20/02/18

Working on it

Finished: 1-61 Range 

Current: 1-50 Agility

To do: 1-50 Agility / 1-60 Mage


Edit: update


Finished: 1-61 Range / 1-70 Cooking / 1-60 Mage

Current: 1-50 Agility

To do: 1-50 Agility

Edited by Master00j
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1 hour ago, winkiemous said:

what service do you need : agility 1/30

i agree with the t.o.s : yes

dit you add me on Skype i already had u on Skype

 time frame we agreed both 15/02/2018 22:07

Alright received the money, started right away! finishing asap


Edit: Finished -- http://prntscr.com/ifc7a9

Edited by Master00j
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