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My Second Introduction (Hiatus is Over!)


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Hey Guys,


I'm pretty sure I did an introduction almost a year ago or so, and during that time I've went through many hardships including college and relationships outside of OSBot which required mass attention. Sorry to some who have not been given their designs, I was on overload. wacko.png  Originally, I occupied my time around the Graphic Forum attempting to answer as many people's design prompts for free in effort to gain practice for my discipline! That, being Graphic Design. I'd love to eventually start doing them again and providing better graphics for the community, while aiding in benefit for my future career! As soon as I can fix my desktop, business is back and booming! Anyways, just wanted to let some of you know I will be returning! 


Basic Info: Sophomore in College (Graphic Design), Photoshop Novice, Wanting to start up a Clothing Brand has been my dream career.


I hope to make a big impact on OSBot in the future!





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