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How to NOT get banned while botting.


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I was wondering, if i bot on my main but im ALWAYS babysitting, talking in clanchat, to a friend or just ppl standing in my area, is there still a chance of getting banned? ( i only use a superheat script, i bot nothing else, and i also often go training/questing/etc.)

LOL If your always babysitting why not just play legit? 

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I was wondering, if i bot on my main but im ALWAYS babysitting, talking in clanchat, to a friend or just ppl standing in my area, is there still a chance of getting banned? ( i only use a superheat script, i bot nothing else, and i also often go training/questing/etc.)

I bot on my main (agility) whilst playing on my zerk sometimes, ive never been banned! Just make sure you check on it every now and then :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I've lost many mains due to botting, and i'd like to share my knowledge I've gained on how to NOT get banned anymore. Whether its a main, or a gold farmer.


[1] - Always use a proxy.

[2] - Bot for a MAXIUM 6 hours a day on a main, 9 on a gold farmer.

[3] - When you're done botting on a main, go out and quest or train another skill which you cant bot. (Or, just bot a different skill)

[4] -  Change your break times DAILY.

[5] If you're babysitting your bot, every so often take the time to input some human-like actions to decrease anti-ban, like going to your quest tab or stats or miss clicking, etc.


These are my tips, if you've got any suggestions feel free to post them.



All great suggestions, but keep in mind everyone, still not foolproof!

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