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Site Improvements


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Hey guys, I am pretty used to setting up IPB forums. But I think you guys should get a few hooks and applications set up. 


I also think that you should change the way the admins and moderators names look on the forums, just to stick out.


Another thing is to add rules to the marketplace, you don't want people getting scammed then not know what you want as proof and so on.


Maybe add some new themes? I like a forum that has different options so I don't look at the same thing over and over.


Implement logging in with twitter, facebook, and google? Just adds a faster way for people to log in. 


When you click the logo, it says that the page is not found. Just adjust it to send you to the forum home page. 


Last suggestion, make a interactive home page that you can either, download the bot, go to the repository, or head to the forums.

Edited by K Joe M
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Thank you for the input! As for hooks and applications, do you have any recommendations? I've been searching for some nice ones and have only installed a few. I am currently working on changing the titles of usergroups, and the icons. That's in progress. Rules are also in progress. Themes will be our last priority as we want a fully-running community and website first. Homepage is in progress. As for social networking plug-ins, I'm not a fan. We'll see later on.


Progress: Logo redirect finished, still need to fix login redirect.


Thanks again. smile.png

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