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Selling cheap non flagged VPS's


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i vouch for him. i just bought package three for 07 gp it was very smooth transaction and every thing was setup when i got the server. the only thing was setting it up on mac, as i did not know what i was doing and the seller did not have a mac but he still tried to assist as much as possible. thank you so much.


bad point. the package two is really laggy when running 2 bots. and because of this i am making half the profit i should be. but when running two bots it should be fine. or if you are just high alching. but if your doing combat stuff running 1 bots on package three your bot might miss click. 


but over all very good service and support and would highly recommend this seller to every one who wants to start gold farming.. 



forget about what i said above: i want on the server this morning to start botting, but i was only get 3fps when running one bot. and the package i bought was meant to run 3-4 bots easily. whats going on here. you claim it can run several bots but it can't even run one!!. know he refuses to give me a refund because all sales are final!! he also said he warned me that the vps will not work, which is a lie and he never said that, what he said to me there was a high chance of chain ban if you run several account on 1 ip, he did not tell me it would not even be able to run one bot correctly!

 when you go into  a shop and you receive a faulty item or the description does not match the item received you would get a refund but not in  this case!

i will post the full Skype chat to prove I'm not lying, later on today unless he sort out this situation!

Edited by bloodface906
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