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Basic chat tab API


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Better Alternative - liverare's API




Couldn't really find anything in the OSBot API that covers this, so I've made a simple API.

import org.osbot.script.Script;

public class ChatTabManager {
	private Script context;
	public ChatTabManager(Script context) {
		this.context = context;
	public int getTabState(int tab) {
		return context.client.getInterface(548).getChild(tab).getSpriteIndex1();
	public String getTabFilter(int tab) {
		String processedString = "{ERROR}";
		if(tab != ChatTab.GAME || tab != ChatTab.ALL) {
			String rawMessage = context.client.getInterface(548).getChild(tab + 2).getMessage();
			if(rawMessage.contains(">")) {
				processedString = rawMessage.substring(rawMessage.indexOf('>') + 1);
			} else {
				processedString = rawMessage;
		return processedString;
	public boolean isTabOpen(int tab) {
		int tabState = this.getTabState(tab);
		if(tabState == TabState.OPEN || tabState == TabState.OPEN_HOVERED)
			return true;
		return false;
	public int getCurrentTab() {
		int[] tabIDs = { 3, 6, 9, 13, 17, 21 };
		for(int id : tabIDs) {
			if(isTabOpen(id)) {
				return id;
		return 0;
	public String getTabName(int tab) {
		return context.client.getInterface(548).getChild(tab + 1).getMessage();
	public interface ChatTab {
		public final int ALL = 3;
		public final int GAME = 6;
		public final int PUBLIC = 9;
		public final int PRIVATE = 13;
		public final int CLAN = 17;
		public final int TRADE = 21;
	public interface TabState {
		public final int STANDARD = 1019;
		public final int HOVERED = 1020;
		public final int UNREAD = 1021;
		public final int OPEN = 1022;
		public final int OPEN_HOVERED = 1023;

For reference:

		ChatTabManager tabManager = new ChatTabManager(this);
		/* getTabFilter (<Integer ChatTab ID>) -- Returns 'On', 'Friends', 'Hide' etc. */
		String filterText = tabManager.getTabFilter(ChatTabManager.ChatTab.PUBLIC);
		/* getTabState (<Integer ChatTab ID>) -- Returns integer of the chat state */
		boolean isOpen = tabManager.getTabState(ChatTabManager.ChatTab.PUBLIC) == ChatTabManager.TabState.OPEN;
		/* isTabOpen (<Integer ChatTab ID>) -- Returns whether or not the specified tab is open */
		boolean isGameTabOpen = tabManager.isTabOpen(ChatTabManager.ChatTab.GAME);
		/* getCurrentTab () -- Returns the ID of the tab that is currently open */
		int currentTab = tabManager.getCurrentTab();
		/* getTabName (<Integer ChatTab ID>) -- Returns String value of that tab (eg. 'Private') */

A thank you to Cyro for assisting me while creating this.

Edited by Parenthesis
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if(tab != ChatTab.GAME || tab != ChatTab.ALL)

I believe you were supposed to use "&&". smile.png


I got to work on making a fully working API you can use.


Edited the API to make it not require Client to be a constant parameter for methods. However, an enum couldn't be used to achieve this.

Edited by liverare
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if(tab != ChatTab.GAME || tab != ChatTab.ALL)

I believe you were supposed to use "&&". smile.png


I got to work on making a fully working API you can use.


Example of use:

        if (!ChatTab.TRADE.isFilterSetToFriends(client))
            ChatTab.interact(client, ChatTab.TRADE, ChatTab.ACTION_FRIENDS);
        else if (!ChatTab.PUBLIC.isSelected(client))
            ChatTab.interact(client, ChatTab.PUBLIC, ChatTab.ACTION_VIEW);

-Check to see if trade tab's filter is not set to friends.

--Set the trade tab's filter to friends.

-Else check to see if the public tab's filter is not set to selected.

--Select the public tab.


Enjoy. smile.png



You're right on those conditional operators, don't know how I missed that.


That's an amazing API! way more useful than my current one. I'll put it up in the main post.

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