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Could new mouse have gotten me banned?

of Guthix

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7 hours ago, Persians said:

I assume they're referring to an IP address that doesn't change, AKA a static IP address. Depending on your ISP and where you live, your IP address can generally change every now and then since IPv4 can only hold about 4B different devices at a time (there are over 7B ppl in the world and we have started to gradually adopt IPv6 which fixes this issue, but that's not the point here). Although I'm not personally sure why that would be helpful against bot detection. Somebody can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

That's exactly the answer and follow up question, I couldn't have said better myself.

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On 6/9/2022 at 3:01 AM, Persians said:

I assume they're referring to an IP address that doesn't change, AKA a static IP address. Depending on your ISP and where you live, your IP address can generally change every now and then since IPv4 can only hold about 4B different devices at a time (there are over 7B ppl in the world and we have started to gradually adopt IPv6 which fixes this issue, but that's not the point here). Although I'm not personally sure why that would be helpful against bot detection. Somebody can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

more or less and from what i can tell jamfex pays a little extra attention when you switch ip addresses i don't necessarily know if your own ip address changing would affect it much as it would still be the same provider and likely within a certain ip range but this is all assumption just as likely it would flag it just as bad. I tend to use proxies so when i say stable ip i more so mean rent your proxy for a long period of time and use the same proxy on the account. Ive also heard of people making and doing the first bit of manual training on one proxy then leaving the account logged for a couple days log in on a new ip address and change your password and stuff play manual for another little bit then proceed to bot if you get banned try to log in from the first ip with the original password then do a recovery request to try to get the password and stuff back saying you cant get access then when you get access back put in an appeal and say that you recently lost access to your account and now your account is showing disabled and typically they'll give you your account back.

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