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Selling BF account

The Supplier

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Account stats - 76e58a4dd8ccbea8dea54b5736946535.png

Unique items/Bank worth  - https://gyazo.com/2fbf05dace58a44793b647ba5d01f646 ////  https://gyazo.com/f401f99ba86b7e993c00e06798bd9913

Login screen - https://gyazo.com/27d851803aa5497d132b20a28fab65c0

Offences - https://gyazo.com/ad2fb26bd216ade08aa54d1276c0b15a

Quests  https://gyazo.com/960c6cf795866b0164f4b83c747fd66c    (Giant dwarf started for BF)

I am the original owner of this account. All hand done by myself.

Method of payment - RSGP

Trading conditions - You go first or use of middlemen at your expense

Starting price 12M    ////   A/W 25M

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