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Mirror Mode Initialization Error


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I'm assuming the update broke mirror mode, cant currently use it after the update i get an error saying initialization error after choosing my account.

Honestly have been here for awhile but if the lack of mirror support continues I'm going to have to consider switching I have no luck with Injection and it seems like no one here gives a shit about fixing mirror mode bugs. I know its possible to do there is just a presence of a lack of effort it seems. Now that its completely broken someone has to do something about it. We pay for this feature...

Edited by UncleHard
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100% Agree. I joined and paid for vip a couple of times aswell, using since 2016 if this keeps going i will be switching to a new bot aswell,

the current awnser to not have us angry would be temporally put mirror mode for free untill it is stable, a compensation to those who are vip would be nice.


Kind regards.

Edited by jaktie123
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8 minutes ago, mijas alhak said:

same here got that error for over 2 hours now any idea how to fix it??

At the rate they’ve been fixing mirror? Lmao shit won’t ever get done. I won’t be here in January if it isn’t fixed.

This is literally why I’m not a lifetime sponsor would’ve been but shit glad I held back.

Edited by UncleHard
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7 minutes ago, Maxlaxen said:

Agree with @UncleHard, the effort with Mirror mode is embarrassing, really. PLEASE do something about this!!!

Over 50+ days lost due to Mirror mode being fucked and no one giving a shit about it.

We then get told to use "Injection mode" in the meantime when that's been flagged for me since November ....

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32 minutes ago, ihom said:

We then get told to use "Injection mode" in the meantime when that's been flagged for me since November ....

I have had 3 account bans with injection mode, botting reasonable times and doing quests in between.

Fix mirror mode or show us we matter to you;

Compensations, more interest in the community and most important fix mirror mode.

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