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How to check if a certain area is accessible


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5 minutes ago, HunterRS said:

Could you explain this line?
I tried without it and it didnt work.

Check the docs: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WebWalkEvent.html#prefetchRequirements-org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider-


public boolean prefetchRequirements(MethodProvider provider)

Generates the directions for this WebWalkEvent based on the requirements of PathPreferenceProfile. If no PathPreferenceProfile is declared, a default profile is set. If this method is not called prior to execution, it is called on event execution. You may only prefetch once for the event's instance.

True if a destination was found and directions were created.


Edited by harrypotter
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1 hour ago, HunterRS said:

Ya saw this, still think I dont understand it fully

just creating the webwalkevent means nothing because the webwalkevent has no reference to your instance of script (this is why it does not do it on instantiation). do it with every line it provided, and it will work because prefetchRequirements() is what does that even if the webwalkevent isn't executed.

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9 hours ago, Team Cape said:

just creating the webwalkevent means nothing because the webwalkevent has no reference to your instance of script (this is why it does not do it on instantiation). do it with every line it provided, and it will work because prefetchRequirements() is what does that even if the webwalkevent isn't executed.

Ahhh I get it, ty very much :)


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