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Obby Mauler Hand-Leveled (Now now now!)


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I'd like you to start this immediately if possible. I need lvls 45-74 in strength, hand done, with 1 atk, 1 def, 1 pray. 

We can negotiate supplies, but I'll deck you out if you're trusted- otherwise you get the cheap gear.

Either way you'll have access to combat potions since I just did a bunch of herblore and they're worthless.


Please provide a quote, a time-frame, and when you can start. Thanks :*



I'll also require screenshots of each level to show you're handleveling it. (yes, I know thats like 29 screenshots :P)

Edited by melomel
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9 minutes ago, melomel said:



I'd like you to start this immediately if possible. I need lvls 45-74 in strength, hand done, with 1 atk, 1 def, 1 pray. 

We can negotiate supplies, but I'll deck you out if you're trusted- otherwise you get the cheap gear.

Either way you'll have access to combat potions since I just did a bunch of herblore and they're worthless.


Please provide a quote, a time-frame, and when you can start. Thanks :*



I'll also require screenshots of each level to show you're handleveling it. (yes, I know thats like 29 screenshots :P)


Edited by Mainio
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2 minutes ago, melomel said:

How long will this take you, and when can you start?

I've made a lot obby maulers (just sold my 90 str one)

Well the start is slow xp you know that. I don't remember correctly how much xp you are getting with 60 str but i think its around 25-28k/h?

Playtime is average 10 hours a day.

All levels can be screenshotted.

Could start right now.


Edited my post too slow as i did read first that you are looking for 70 str.

30m for 74

Edited by Mainio
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10 minutes ago, Mainio said:

I've made a lot obby maulers (just sold my 90 str one)

Well the start is slow xp you know that. I don't remember correctly how much xp you are getting with 60 str but i think its around 25-28k/h?

Playtime is average 10 hours a day.

All levels can be screenshotted.

Could start right now.


Edited my post too slow as i did read first that you are looking for 70 str.

30m for 74

I apologize, first poster has bid 25m with a time frame of 8 days. 

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