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Delay ban or safe?


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Hey Guys :)

I have done a couple of topics earlier about delayed bans and the safety of botting with OSBOT. Honestly, I have come to the conclusion, that I dont want to bot on my main account anymore. Havent botted for almost 3 days now, and havent received a ban yet. Sadly, my account before this (ironman account) was banned pretty quickly. I was mining on that account, and botted the night over. When I came back the morning after, it was perm banned. Then I created this new account (considered as my main account atm), and as stated above - it havent been banned yet.

My "main" account is still new, since I started playing runescape again like two weeks ago. I have 2 days+ playtime atm, and probably 1/3 of the time is botting. If they decide to ban me, could I be lucky that its only a 2-day ban? Or should I just expect a perm ban, as the one on my ironman account? As I stated above, its been 3 days now - so could they possible just wait and delay ban me (which would suck, since I've used like 20+ hours the last two days questing and doing legit stuff - because of the P2P week). I've used paying scripts, so I havent been using free scripts (who most likely are considered to be more likely to be banned).

I hope you guys will take my question seriously, since I'm worried about this obviously lol. 


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