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Draggable Paint


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This will provide a class for you to easily implement a Paint (optional that you can allow dragging of it over the applet).



import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

 * @author Yah Mie @ OSBot

public class DraggablePaint {
	private Point location;
	private int width;
	private int height;
	private Image background = null;
	private Map<Point, Map<String, Object>> texts;
	private boolean beingDragged = false;
	private Point draggedFrom;
	 * Constructors
	public DraggablePaint(Point location, int width, int height) {
		this.location = location;
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
	public DraggablePaint(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
		this.location = new Point(x, y);
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
	 * Set background image
	 * Renders at 0,0
	 * @param URL 
	public void setBackgroundImage(String URL) {
		try {
			background = ImageIO.read(new URL(URL));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			background = null;
	 * Move location of paint
	 * @param location 
	public void moveTo(Point location) {
		this.location = location;
	 * Write text at position
	 * Relative to paint
	 * @param text
	 * @param at 
	public void writeText(String text, Point at) {
		Map<String, Object> textConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		textConfig.put("text", text);
		textConfig.put("font", new Font("Arial", 1, 12));
		textConfig.put("color", Color.black);
		texts.put(at, textConfig);
	 * Write text at position
	 * Specified color & font
	 * Relative to paint
	 * @param text
	 * @param at 
	public void writeText(String text, Point at, Color colour, Font font) {
		Map<String, Object> textConfig = new HashMap<String, Object>();
		textConfig.put("text", text);
		textConfig.put("font", font);
		textConfig.put("color", colour);
		texts.put(at, textConfig);
	 * Flushes all texts ready to be written to again
	public void flushText() {
		texts = new HashMap<Point, Map<String, Object>>();
	 * Handle Mouse Events
	 * @param eventType
	 * @param e
	 * Called upon MouseEvent: mousePressed
	 * Called upon MouseEvent: mouseReleased
	 * Called upon MouseEvent: mouseDragged
	public void draggable(String eventType, MouseEvent e) {
		if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase("mousePressed")) {
			Point point = e.getPoint();
			if (point.x >= location.x && point.x <= location.x + width 
					&& point.y >= location.y && point.y <= location.y + height) {
				beingDragged = true;
				draggedFrom = new Point(point.x, point.y);
		else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase("mouseReleased")) {
			Point point = e.getPoint();
			if (point.x >= location.x && point.x <= location.x + width 
					&& point.y >= location.y && point.y <= location.y + height) {
				beingDragged = false;
		else if (eventType.equalsIgnoreCase("mouseDragged")) {
			if (beingDragged) {
				location.x = e.getX() - (draggedFrom.x - location.x);
				location.y = e.getY() - (draggedFrom.y - location.y);

				draggedFrom = new Point(e.getX(), e.getY());

				/* Off-screen fixes */
				if (location.x < 0) {
					location.x = 0;
				if (location.x + width > 763) {
					location.x = 245;
				if (location.y < 0) {
					location.y = 0;
				if (location.y + height > 502) {
					location.y = 428;
	 * Called upon onPaint
	public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
		if (background != null) {
			// Draw background
			g.drawImage(background, location.x, location.y, null);
		if (texts.size() > 0) {
			for (Map.Entry<Point, Map<String, Object>> text : texts.entrySet()) {
				Map<String, Object> textConfig = text.getValue();
				// Set Font and Color
				// Draw text at location		
				g.drawString((String)textConfig.get("text"), location.x + text.getKey().x, location.y + text.getKey().y);


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import org.osbot.script.Script;
import org.osbot.script.ScriptManifest;

@ScriptManifest(author="Yah Mie", version=1, info="", name="Yah Mie's Draggable Paint Demo")
public class ScriptWithDraggablePaint extends Script {
	private DraggablePaint paint;

	public ScriptWithDraggablePaint() {
		paint = new DraggablePaint(0, 268, 519, 76); // X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT
	public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
		paint.draggable("mousePressed", e);

	public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
		paint.draggable("mouseReleased", e);

	public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
		paint.draggable("mouseDragged", e);
	public void onPaint(Graphics g) {
		Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) g;
		paint.writeText("Running for: 00:30:00", new Point(20, 24));
		paint.writeText("XP Gained: 500,000", new Point(20, 44));
		paint.writeText("XP Per Hour: 1,000,000", new Point(20, 59));
		paint.writeText("Logs Burned: 1,500", new Point(210, 44));
		paint.writeText("XP Per Hour: 3,000", new Point(210, 59));

If you don't want to implement dragging then do not implement the mouse events (draggable() method).



All methods provided by DraggablePaint.java:

DraggablePaint(Point location, int width, int height)
DraggablePaint(int x, int y, int width, int height)

setBackgroundImage(String URL)
- Sets background image from URL (drawn at 0, 0)

moveTo(Point location)
- Moves paint to specified location of applet

writeText(String text, Point at)
Write text at specified location (relative to paint) with Arial 12pt Black

writeText(String text, Point at, Color colour, Font font)
- Write text at specified location (relative to paint) with custom font and colour

- Clears all text form paint

draggable(String eventType, MouseEvent e)
- Handles mouse events for dragging. All three pressed, released and dragged must be implemented for dragging to work.

draw(Graphics2D g)
- Draws paint onto graphics

Finally some tests:






I'm welcome to questions or comments. All written by I, have fun!

Edited by Yah Mie
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I don't think this would be that helpful since its only text that you can move around, so it seems. You should make a system where you create layers and each layer is drew onto by doing something along the lines of

Layer background = new Paint.Layer();



//draw on this layer.

use the graphics#translate to position it where you want, and then for the draggable, add something like background#setPosition.


This would allow anything that could usually be rendered, to be draggable, and could be split up so different parts are draggable. Would make for a much easier and more diverse system.

Edited by Cory
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That'd make a more diverse system, but most paints are background + text, hence why it was made how it was. A script shouldn't focus on much more than one background and some text for a paint, given that it's just for information delivering. But that's just my opinion.. your way would work great if you wanted more complex paints.

Edited by Yah Mie
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That'd make a more diverse system, but most paints are background + text, hence why it was made how it was. A script shouldn't focus on much more than one background and some text for a paint, given that it's just for information delivering. But that's just my opinion.. your way would work great if you wanted more complex paints.


I was thinking more for interact paints, since a lot of paints are starting to have tabs and buttons and stuff now :P


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