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[A]ccount [R]ecovered


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Okii so, I bought a runescape account from @stryk May 2014, used the account a fair amount and it was my main, i botted on the account and it unfortunatly got banned.

I went to log in the other day on the forums and I couldnt. Having quit runescape since my ban I just decided to reuturn. 

Thinking as its been a while since I last played I might be able to appeal the ban.

I have had that account for many years now and I'm supprised he has recovered it, as I have had no encounters with Stryk since he sold me the account in May14,

I did some additional investigation searching Stryks details and found his reddit account, where I found where a reddit thread titled: "Because we are posting mutes, logged into my old recovered account that was banned. Had to only laugh at this" and linked a picutre of what was said in the mute and It was something I said agesss ago.

Here his reddit account with proof of him saying he recovered the account: https://www.reddit.com/user/StrykDeath/?sort=hot (scrool down near the bottom to the one with the picture)

Additional proof it is his reddit account is that the account he sold me had the login starting strykdeath@*******.*** which is his reddit name.

I'd greatly appreciate it if Jake wasnt banned however this is just bought to his attention so he could kindly give it back to me, however if he doesn't want to return it you can take action.

p.s the RS account had like nothing on it anyway before i botted smithing i RWTed most stuff off of, I just want to get back on it to speak to some old pals and chill in my holidays




Proof of purchase, Due to this account being sold such a long time ago, the only proof I can show you is his feedback he gave me: https://gyazo.com/eafa8afc419192aff27b9dabe490a61d

I probably have sreenshots that contain the dates the account was banned which will match with his on the account status, along with many other screenshots of me on the account. I tried to find his thread where he was selling the account but I couldnt find it on his profile.  I think this is the correct thread, however we spoke on skype ill try find some screen shots 

I may have additional screen shots on gyazo, however I need to purchase pro to be able to see them, if they are vital in this dispute just say and ill buy it and find them


Thank you, Tommied7


Edited by tommied7
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