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I keep getting banned. Help.


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Depends where will you buy that account from, since recovery questions were removed it is harder to scam like that.

If you could find someone who sells acc with no reg email. I would say that you are safe

I bought Acc from acrus gold and 3months in acc is with me and had no reg email.

+If you do buy acc make sure that you will buy from sponsors or 500$ donators as the whole reason of donating money to osbot is to build trust inbtw buyer.

Who would like to get banned for 500$ worth acc in osbot for 100-200m 

Just looked at theyr website they have no accounts at the moment, so I would suggest you try making an orderwith them if they could make you acc for a certain price.

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im level 69, pure legit played for the first 6 months got all my quests done and was about 63 when i started botting been going for atleast 2 weeks now, pretty crazy hours, like 16 hours a day, with breaks tho, from 30-1/3 hours. and so far so good. i believe if u have an account that is old already, and you play on it often it wont look bad when botting, mind you i dont farm gold.... so that most probably helps me..

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