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Nearing the end of my personal goal.


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Short story: Botting since 2013, had numerous MAIN accounts banned, payed for 20+  osbot scripts, achieved multiple 99's across many different skills,  weeks of trial and error to figure out what works for me.. About a year ago as my botting habit was dying due to reddit posting about certain botting locations I made it a small goal of mine to re-max an account as my official main account and to never bot on it after that, 4 out of 4 of the accounts made it through without a ban! More than likely going to cash out on the accounts and then move on to bigger and better things. (Currently a huge nerd for ARK: Survival Evolved)


4x accounts botted from 70 attack, strength, and defence  to CURRENTLY sitting at 98 on 3x of the accounts.


Are odd-staking accounts still a viable account build? Or would I get better business if I achieved all 99s in the listed skills.

Edited by Littlewayne
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Ive wanted to try ark. I bought it but it but never downloaded it because all the reviews about the performance etc. I have a 1080 so im sure it would run fine. Its basically a survival game like h1z1 with dinosaurs right?

Not quiet. Imagine you join a "world" and you battle for the alpha role or dominance on the server. Everyone starts at level 1 with nothing, you meet people and can get them into your tribe to help you build up weapons, base(s), tame dinosaurs or attack other opposing tribes. It's like a super graphical upgrade to minecraft with plenty of game modes, maps, and items/locations to explore. Literally it's never ending, I've got 1,820+ hours off steam, not including xbox live.

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