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Account Training and Minor Questing


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Hey I have an account that is currently 61 range, and I want to turn it into a low level ballista-gmaul rusher. The stats I want are 70 range, 60 strength, and 50 attack. I am trying to keep the HP low (50 or less) so I would need you to complete about 4 short quests. Also, I would need the rest of the attack and strength xp to come from pest control or any other method that will keep HP xp at a minimum. I tried this earlier with free scripts and got banned, but the training and quests themselves only took like 2-3 days and that was with shitty bots. Let me know if you are interested, and also what you would charge. Also, I am part of a large rushing community and I will definitely put your name out their if you able to complete this request as I know a decent amount of people looking to do the same account transformation. From what I have seen online, I could buy this exact build but with more features like mith gloves and DT for around 15m, so keep that in mind when setting an a price. 





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