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scammer warning nuclear gold/golden plug


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This guy is goldenplug his skype - live:rsplug he is also trying to scam on new skype. which is  - nucleargold.co 





This idiot scammed couple of days ago on the skype golden plug, for 20m, his mules name was fruitypure. Today some guy with skypename nucleargold.co adds me asking for quests, I go to recieve payment, and what do I see this same idiot with name fruitypure who owes me 20m for questing a few days ago. He was trading his account straeyum, and the straeyum account was meant to be quested by me. 



TLDR golden plug, known as ban evader here is going around adding servicers trying to scam them asking them to go first. His rs account names are Fruitypure, straeyum.


He targets people with low feedback, so watch out friends!

Edited by Shermz
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If he's not already banned, post this in disputes.


Thats the thing, he is banned. But first time he convinced me to go first, I did like 6quests for 7m total, he paid that. Then he offered to do like 15quests for around ~20m. And scammed me then. But today he came to me again with a new identity, trying to scam me again, but I told no, because somewhere deep down i knew 100% it was him. The final straw was when I saw his fruitypure account trading the account Im supposed to quest, safe to say I took the 13,8m, but overall he still owes me 6,2m. Atleast Im happy that a scammer like that is so stupid to do such a thing.


edit - turns out this guy is tls_eli who has got banned smetime ago for scamming!  https://www.sythe.org/threads/nuclear-gold-pardon-request-for-ban-evading.2214673/

Edited by Shermz
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