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Trouble Burying Bones


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I'm trying to make a basic chicken killer that collects feathers and buries bones. I had it attacking and collecting feathers fine but as soon as I added the bury option/case it breaks completely as it just stands there doing nothing. On top of this the client is also unresponsive forcing me to use task manager to close down the bot. 


Any ideas? 



import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import java.awt.*;

@ScriptManifest(name = "EmpiresChickenKiller", author = "Empires", version = 1.0, info = "", logo = "") 
public class EmpiresChickenKiller extends Script {

    public void onStart() {
        log("Welcome to EmpiresChickenKiller.");
        log("Lets get started...");
    private enum State {
    private Inventory playerInventory;
    private State getState(){
     if(myPlayer().isMoving() || combat.isFighting() || myPlayer().isUnderAttack())
      return State.WAIT; 
     else if(playerInventory.getEmptySlotCount() > 0)
      return State.ATTACK;
      return State.BURY;

    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
     switch(getState()) {
     case ATTACK:
     GroundItem featherCollect = groundItems.closest("Feather");
     if(featherCollect != null)
     GroundItem bonesCollect = groundItems.closest("Bones");
     if(bonesCollect != null)
     NPC targetChicken = npcs.closest("Chicken");
     if(targetChicken != null && !targetChicken.isUnderAttack() && (targetChicken.getHealth() != 0))

     case WAIT:
     case BURY:
     playerInventory.dropAllExcept("Feathers", "Bones");

      playerInventory.interact("Bury", "Bones");


     return 100;

    public void onExit() {
        log("Thanks for using my script!");

    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
        //This is where you will put your code for paint(s)

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Thanks for reply,


would you be able to hint me on how to do that? I tried using playerInventory.initializeModule() at the start of my onLoop() and it compiled but still crashed. Am I doing that right?


sorry for basic bitch question, first time scripting ://


What a nice guy :)

playerInventoy = getInventoy();
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It really is not horrible. No need for elitist remarks.

Yes, it is horrible. The script will fail to run properly and/or crash so frequently that it wouldn't even be worth running. I could waste my time listing out everything that's wrong with this script if I wanted to. My comment has nothing to do with myself, it's about letting him know that he needs to improve if he wants to write a script that won't crash or spam click random rs entities.

Edited by Flamo
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Yes, it is horrible. The script will fail to run properly and/or crash so frequently that it wouldn't even be worth running. I could list out everything that's wrong with this script, it's not about being an Elitist, it's about letting him know that he needs to improve if he wants to write a fully functional script.

chill. well it is my first time writing one so its obviously gonna be a bit meh, but I did just ask you why it sucks so if you can list stuff can you let me know what about it that makes it bad?

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Yes, it is horrible. The script will fail to run properly and/or crash so frequently that it wouldn't even be worth running. I could waste my time listing out everything that's wrong with this script if I wanted to. My comment has nothing to do with myself, it's about letting him know that he needs to improve if he wants to write a script that won't crash or spam click random rs entities.


XxMLGxX scripter tell us what he should add to his chicken killer.

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chill. well it is my first time writing one so its obviously gonna be a bit meh, but I did just ask you why it sucks so if you can list stuff can you let me know what about it that makes it bad?

Yeah, I'd love to give you a explanation as to why your code is bad.


Install teamspeak, join "elitescripts.org" and poke me "Danny" in the java channel. I'm not going to waste my time writing a longwinded post that you won't understand when I could speak to you and clear things up in a fraction of the time.

Edited by Flamo
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