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Is Osbot supposed to run on x32 or x64 java?


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I'm sorry for always posting this and if this is getting annoying, mods please go ahead and delete. I'm just desperate to get these bots to work. My mirror client freezes or lags like crazy whenever I run a script and I've tried everything I know to try fix it. So now I'm thinking it might be because of java. Is the osbot client supposed to be run on x32 or x64 java? I had it running on x32 before and it used to be fine, not anymore though.

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Have you tried multiple scripts or just one? The script might be the problem.

Also what are your pc specs?


Ive tried multiple. Some work but lag to the point where its impractical, others freeze even when the script options just open. My specs are Intel Core 2 CPU 3.00 GHz 8GB ram x64 based operating system. I know its an x64 operating system but the mirror client says x32-to-x32 when hooked.

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