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Crazy freezing starting script


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I just bought VIP so I could use mirror mode and ProjectPact's AIO hunter. When I get in and click on start script from the script selection it brings up the script UI and I get insane lag on the osrs client, mirror, and the GUI and the logger to where I can't click on anything at all. Nothing works. But it doesn't crash. I have to ctrl alt del to even close it. I am pretty new to this but I uninstalled and reinstalled osbot and java 64. I managed to read some of the logger but I couldn't read it all as it is frozen and I couldn't even copy and paste. It said something like


ERROR BOT #1 Caught thread death in random executor. Restart java.ang.IncompatibleClassChangeError

      at org.osbot.rs07.apti.util.NodeDequeIteratorG.<init> (aj:154)


And it keeps going on about at org.osbot.rs07.apti.model and then that but .randoms


Seems to be something about random events? Is this script specific? No one else seemed to have this problem in the thread. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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