So since I've seen a lot of topics and crying about this is time for a official list so if you know someone who has a imposer please let me know below and i will add him to the list,
New impostor accounts can be made at anytime, to check if you're dealing with the real one simply check their profile and check if the skype matches: ^thanks to @YoHoJo for suggesting this.
REAL: @Jamez Skype: james.rodri11 FAKE: Skype: live:james.rodri11_1 , live:james.rodri11 , live:james_rodri11_1
REAL: @Maldesto Skype: Not sure if he wants this public. FAKE: Skype: live:maldesto.osbot , live:maldesto_osbot , maldesto.osbot , maldesto. ,
REAL: @Sysm Skype: Real.Sysm FAKE: Skype: RealSysm , live:real.sysm_1 , live:real.sysm
REAL: @Realist Skype: live:realistgold FAKE: Skype: live:realistgold_1 , live:sfacct001 , live:raelistgold , live:live.realistgold , live:realistgolld , live:rspsgp
REAL: @Khaleesi Skype: FAKE: Skype: khaleesi.osbot ,
REAL: @RoomScape Skype: live:roomscape FAKE: Skype: live.roomscape. , roomscape.osbot ,
REAL: @YoHoJo Skype: a.lakhotia , yohojoshared FAKE: Skype: live:Advertising other bots isn't allowed..yohojo , a.lekhotia , live:a.lakhotia_2 , a.lakhotia.yohojo , a.lakhotias , aiakhotia , a-lakh0tia , , live:yohojoshared , yohojosharedd
REAL: @Eagle Scripts Skype: Not sure if he wants this public. FAKE: Skype: live:eaglescripts_1