Powtaytow's available services:
Wintertodt, Pest control & Fishing trawler
Every skill.
Achievement Diaries
Odd requests
Post a request or PM me
OSRS Gold If you don't want to go first you'll have to find a middleman and YOU pay for his/her service
Terms Of Service
By using my service(s) you agree to the ToS.
You will pay upfront unless i find you trustworthy enough
If I am unable to complete the task you will be refunded.
Any bans applied to the account(s) while doing the service are not on me.
You will not log in while the task is being done, unless i tell you otherwise.
All orders are done by hand, no scripts or bots will be used unless we've negotiated otherwise.
After a service has started, you can NOT refund. I want honest feedback when the order is completed. You will follow OSBots official ToS.
- Powtaytow