Fishes shrimp and anchovies by Draynor Village
Auto-cooks the anchovies
Rudimentary anti-ban
Stupidly simple
How to use?
Download jar from mediafire (v1.2).
Place in OSBot scripts folder.
Run the script!
Small fishing net in inventory or bank
Bronze axe in inventory or bank
Tinderbox in inventory or bank
Combat lvl 15+ strongly recommended
The script will first randomize a number between 200 and 500. It will then net the fishing-spots until it has that number of
anchovies in the bank, and it will then proceed to cook all that anchovies. After that is done a new number is randomized,
and the cycle continues.
Also, the script is not obfuscated, so feel free to decompile it if you want the source code.
Version 1.1
Fixed a bug where the script would sleep for 30 seconds if only cooking one anchovies.
Vesion 1.2
Fixed the bug mentioned by @Madeon (hopefully). Report if you have similar problems again.
Bug reports
If you find any bugs, or have any requests and/or questions, please contact me ASAP. Please send log output along with a description of what happens.