Ladies and gentlemen of the internet,
I bring you good news today. The OSBot BETA will be going public tomorrow at 8 - 10PM EDT. We've decided we do not need any more delays although I do put emphasis on the word BETA!
Features that will be fixed from private BETA:
No more high-CPU usage (We've implemented a smarter model caching system)
Configs have been added as well as the onConfig callback.
currentTab() will have been fixed.
Login issues will have been fixed.
Account manager will have been added.
Ground item support
Secondary object support
Again I can't stress this enough, the BETA is for fixing bugs and testing the new features. Our development team is dedicated and will have the bot fully nearly fully functional within a week.
Sincerely The OSBot Team.
P.S. I'ed like to thank all the trial and official script developers for your support durring the private BETA. You guys are a big asset to this community and I hope you'll inspire other people as well. I have to say, we have some of the best script developers in the botting community!