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(27 reviews)
9.99 USD/31 days

incl. VAT

Become an important person at OSBot!
Unlimited bots Mirror Mode unlocked No advertisements on the website and bot client Access to free VIP+ only scripts 10% discount on all premium script purchases Unique purple username to get recognized Changeable user title A special private forum Maximum of 3 images in your signature instead of 1 Signature space of 800x600 instead of 500x300 Ability to change the title of your own threads 3 free display name change per month


About VIP

Become an important person at OSBot!

  • Unlimited bots
  • Mirror Mode unlocked
  • No advertisements on the website and bot client
  • Access to free VIP+ only scripts
  • 10% discount on all premium script purchases
  • Unique purple username to get recognized
  • Changeable user title
  • A special private forum
  • Maximum of 3 images in your signature instead of 1
  • Signature space of 800x600 instead of 500x300
  • Ability to change the title of your own threads
  • 3 free display name change per month



Being a VIP is a great way to boost extra cash flow. It allows for unlimited tabs, the only downside is because Jag, are little bastards...It can be a set back on cash as well. So choose wisely. Sell and transfer items/coins/valuables to a mule or two often, and don't sit on an account too much. The faster that you level, the more money your level 3 makes, or account for that matter, increases the chance of a ban. I have had 5 accounts permanently banned in the past 3-4 months. All losing roughly 200$ in merchandise, So even though it may be stupid to have a mule, do yourself a favor and make one (; that extra 7 bucks will save you in the end.

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