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Posts posted by tommolad

  1. Thanks for the reply and yes I am. Since mac has no "save all files" option in the normal textedit I looked around on the forums and everyone who has had this problem downloaded a program called textmate along with a groovy plug in. That seem to of fixed it for many people not me though. Even after all of this my scripts will still not show up :s

  2. After copying all the code into a text file and saving it with the extension ".groovy" the script will not show up in my script selector. On windows I know there is the option to save as "all files" which would usually solve this problem, how would I go about this on a mac, thanks in advance.

  3. This problem only occurred after downloading the new client, as for updating my java I am currently using an ancient mac so I am stuck on a low version. A little update as well The client eventually signed me in after leaving it but now is frozen after pressing the "new" tab, I think the problem is my computer, thanks for the help anyway.

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