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Posts posted by Zolmoz

  1. Hey guys jsut trying to set up my mirror client and all i get is a blue screen with "Please set your windowed mode to ficed first" when it already is and i have already restarted the client. Anyone know how to fix this?

  2. Botted on an account about a year ago and got a temp 2 day ban for deadman. Am playing on the account now and thinking of botting agility with the mirror client and a vpn. Is it pretty much guarenteed that even with the vpn that the account will get banned as it has already been reported a long time ago? Or would it be okay due to the VPN use? Cheers for the help

  3. you're lucky to even of made it to 98, the collection of the 3 scripts and the play time is the only reason u made it that far.


    Can you not assume to eventually get a 99 if you use the same paid script for all levels?

  4. Been using Extreme's AIO Agility script with the mirror client. Has been working perfectly until all the updates last night, now after doing a lap the script doesnt start the course again but runs back and forth between two places near the end of the course. Have talked to Extreme about it a he believes that it is a client issue rather then a script issue. Please help

  5. Hey guys just wanted to rant a little bit about free scripts. Like i know they are free and all but almost every single free script i have used has been shit and gotten me banned within an hour. I would love to get a design implemented for OSBot so that for every script when someone gets banned using it they can add a tallly onto the script on the SDN and therefore before you go to buy or download a script you can see how many people have been banned using it?

  6. yeah you've got a lot to fix before you should even think of charging for this script. Very bot like and have used it for an hour and am now banned. Cheers Khal. DO NOT BUY IF RELEASED SOON!

    tip: slow the mouse down its way too fast

  7. This is complete bullshit! So i spend over $60 on bloody scripts only to lose access to them but now i have to rebuy them and pay a monthly NO FUCKING THANK YOU. Please just send us a refund and i shall be on my way.... Terrible idea whoever thought of it unless your a gold farmer which most people aren't. Don't be greedy...

  8. My client loads fine and i was playing all afternoon but now whenever i try to log into my account i get
    "[ERROR][05/25/14 09:16:16 PM]: Already signed in!"

    and i can still log into other accounts does anyone know how this can be resloved? thanks

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