Hey guys
So you have heard i alot of time already probs but 14 jan i got a ban (bot busting moderate) for botting on my main account , totally deserved , I did bot on it.
It was my first ban so it was only 48 hours , the 48 hours were over so i played normally on it , didn't bot, I just trained my slayer as usual got a black demons task wich is sort of afk when safespotting. Didn't play for long max 3 hours after I could play again.Today I start my osBuddy again and start playing RS played again an hour and then went to watch some tv. So a few minutes ago i try to log in again , It logs me in DC's me en says my account was disabled. I go to my account settings and it says i got banned for macro'ing permanently. I did bot and got the ban for it the first time but after the ban i didn't bot and i got a perm ban? How is this possible? I'm not trying to fight it but i just want some insights.
Kind regards,