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  1. o bans no email set on either. they are also for sale if anybody is interested
  2. there is only a couple of quests you cant do, and why not get like 5 attack? steel scim would make training much easier anyways
  3. do all quests, and part of dragon slayer so you can get into meltar'z maze and bot first floor rats
  4. to everybody who is annoyed by this guy: Why? he is doing an experiment and he is doing us a favor by posting his findings. he is on our side. thanks dude
  5. so they think 20 hours of botting should ruin thousands of hours of legit play? considering the age of my account and the fact that i spent so little time botting, you would think I would have the best chance possible of getting let off?
  6. My account got a macro ban, and like 3 weeks later i lost 4 mill and was like ok fuck this and started botting strength at hobgoblins (this was before f2p came out..) and i got a second, ban, i was like oh fuck so i checked my inbox and i was permabanned, i looked down to see that they had given me TWO BANS for in the SAME day? How is that possible? do you guys think they will reverse the ban? I have had this account since rsc came out and i have been playing 07 since it came out on it
  7. using andre's chopper, it isnt banking. but it will run from the bank when it starts but i beyond that i need to bank for it.. aanndd nooow it does not even load the script lol
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