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Everything posted by Mugatu

  1. i believe i have found a new way to eat m&m's, thank you
  2. Mugatu

    Too true.

    thank you! i really thought football players made more than most countries
  3. im pretty convinced people get banned from not taking breaks (except maybe the high ban rates like woodcut, pest control, hunter, etc.) but even then i botted all those skills over 75. my main is 1600+ skill total with 55+ million xp, still no bans for me and i hardly ever play legit.
  4. every time i log in the client crashes
  5. the way you've conducted yourself has already discredited you. why are all these conspiracy people so quick to call everyone who disagrees with them ignorant/sheeple/brainwashed, etc. its really backwards if you want people to listen to you. spelling correctly would help your case somewhat as well.
  6. also, you can't spell the correct "you're", i'm guessing you watched a couple conspiracy videos on youtube and thats as far as you took your research.
  7. i have a friend that says the same kind of stuff, and let me just say he isn't the brightest person ever.
  8. Also, may I get your opinion as to why not as well? I don't smoke weed because I want to live a clean life. Not one ruled by a plant that kills brain cells and is addictive. First off, it's not addictive, and it isn't as bad as people make it out to be, well of course depending on the amount used. Marijuana is addictive. If it wasn't there wouldn't be rehabilitation for it. Either it's addictive, or it ruined the brains of the people going to rehab because they can't stop using it. That is just dumb, it's just because people have no self control, you don't get withdrawals on weed. I smoke daily have stopped for a while a bunch of times, and honestly I don't even notice a difference, other than maybe it being a little harder to fall asleep the first few nights.
  9. i tried osagility last night, got stuck on rope swing every time
  10. i agree, mine just went out today so i cant setup my bots to run while im at work. pretty bummed edit: nevermind, realized you can go into client area and do pay now
  11. i had a huge issue with paypal a little while ago, i tried to send $500 to my bank account, but my paypal was somehow linked to someone elses bank account. took 3 months to get it resolved with paypal
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