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Posts posted by Kryom1234

  1. Anyone have some decent progies? im curious its looking like this has an extremely high ban rate im kinda afraid to use it for more than an hour. 

     ( just bought the script :) )

  2. So my main was banned on May 2015, i haven't botted in over a year and was thinking of starting again.How are the ban rates for specific skills nowadays? Combat?  i mainly botted combat on my main as i always was aiming to do end-game content legit.


    I recently made a new f2p account to 50/50/50 stats legit. I was thinking, if i buy a bond and start combat botting in a private location, very discreet location where barely anyone ever goes, if anyone at all, around 6-8 hours a day on jagex off hours, what would be my chances of getting banned? I used to do this on my main before i got banned and i think everything went just fine, i  fucked up once i started getting impatient botting combat at ogres at CW and the ogres beneath watchtower.



    I might give it a try, as it might be worth the risk: im not sure if im willing to put in all the work legit for a combat maxed account anyway. I figure i'll have a lesser chance of being banned since im not gold-farming, im really just trying to build up an account's melee stats for PVM via botting, but i guess you never know. What do you guys think

  3. Hey was just wondering if there's any experienced VPS users out there who could help me set up my VPS? i would be willing to pay.


    I was just digital ocean's lowest plan of 512 MB ram/per bot, but  i have found that it crashes waaaaaay too often when trying to run my scripts.


    Now im trying to use another VPS from a different host ,and was just wondering if any VPS savvy people wanna help out a fellow osbot member for a fee.



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