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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Aeterna

  1. 11FTxbL.png







    - Picking
    - Spinning
    - Picking and spinning (spins on the way to the bank)

    - Cutting sapphire
    - Cutting emerald
    - Cutting ruby
    - Cutting diamond
    - Cutting dragonstone
    - Cutting onyx

    - Softens clay in Falador
    - Softens clay in Edgeville
    - Softens clay in Lumbridge basement

    - All sapphire jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All emerald jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All ruby jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All diamond jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All dragonstone jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All onyx jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)

    - Tans soft leather
    - Tans hard leather
    - Tans snakeskin
    - Tans green dragonhide
    - Tans blue dragonhide
    - Tans red dragonhide
    - Tans black dragonhide

    - Support for using staves instead of runes
    - All sapphire jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All emerald jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All ruby jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All diamond jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All dragonstone jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)
    - All onyx jewelry (rings, necklaces, amulets, and bracelets)

    Soft leather:
    - Leather gloves
    - Leather boots
    - Leather cowls
    - Leather vambraces
    - Leather bodies
    - Leather chaps
    - Leather coifs

    Hard leather:
    - Hard leather bodies

    Dragonhide leather:
    - All green dragonhide leather items
    - All blue dragonhide leather items
    - All red dragonhide leather items
    - All black dragonhide leather items


    More features to come! Want something added? Suggest it and if it fits we'll add it!

  2. Alprazolam (generic: Xanax) has been my guilty pleasure recently. I'm 19, ~250, 6'1, and somewhat experienced with drugs. Most recently I've discovered xanax. My second time using xanax I took it with dxm (dextromorphan) and smoked a little bit of bud on the side. I was cool, I took 2mg of xanax and around 500mg of dxm, smoked maybe a half gram. I was cool. I loved it, but wanted a bit more. The next day I resorted to taking Gabapentin (generic: Neurontin) as I have been for the past month. I usually take anywhere from 2,000-4,000mg. I took 10 300mg capsules about an hour after taking 3 xanax. 10 minutes later I decided to break up 9 more capsules and i mixed it with lemonade (fresh, for the citrus), then took 2 more 300mg capsules. I washed the capsules down with some syrup (w/ codein). This totaled to 6,300mg of gabapentin, along with 3mg of xanax, which, led to 3 more 1mg bars, totaling 6mg of xanax, and about 1/4 a bottle of cough syrup with codeine. I blacked out some time along this point. I told my parents that I needed to talk to them, and was almost in tears sitting in the living room with my mom, dad, and brother. This was maybe 2 hours after all of that was consumed. My parents came into my room and i was crying, then told them i was going to kill myself. I remember my mom crying and then the police showing up. They talked to me and ended up driving me to the only hospital nearby who would take me in (as I had been considered an overdose patient, due to my intake). I was admitted and held for 72 hours on a 51/50 (labelled as being an endangerment to yourself) and to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. I, never in my life, have wanted to, or had thoughts about, killing myself. I laid in bed for the next 50 hours, detoxing from the gabapentin, trying to sleep (unable to due to the fact that there was a detoxing heroin addict in the same room as me). Once my 50 hours of hell was up (no cell phone or phone use at this time), I was transferred into a level 2 behavioral health services unit. I was in a room with a former marine with severe PTSD, a schizophrenic (who also used gabapentin recreationally, and taught me a lot about how pills work and what I did wrong), and some guy who looked like the little black girl with a face so big someone photoshopped a watermelon behind her nostrils, not sure if anyone remembers that, but it was not a sight to see.

    On my way out, after being diagnosed as perfectly sane and just an overdose patient, I was approached by an asian woman. She started talking to me (I noticed she was really shy, being a sane person I was VERY skeptical about everyone as I didn't know what kind of crazy fucks I was going to have to deal with), then asked if I felt a spark. I was confused, partially from the ativan (lorezapam) my nurse gave to me for anxiety, and thought she was most likely suicidal and that I should probably try to be nice. I told her I had a girlfriend and she said that she probably shouldn't have said anything. I said never say never and smiled and then she smiled. I looked away cause it was pretty weird and I still didn't know what was wrong with her. 5 seconds later her husband walks in and introduces me. What the fuck just happened?

    Turns out once I combined the xanax with the gabapentin (both working with the GABA), I blacked out, meaning that the additional 3,300mg of gabapentin, cough syrup, and 3mg of xanax were all done without being conscious. If you're ever going to combine do yourself a favor and do some serious research on the combinations. I was deemed suicidal for 72 hours, by the state. If I left, I would've been arrested, if I was evaluated as having mental health issues in any way, I would've been held for further evaluation. Solely marijuana it is... and loving it I am. [7]

    tl;dr fuck pharms save money

  3. Am I weird when I say I love this combo? smile.png

    nah, its a great combo just not before your ready to go to sleep tongue.png
    i took ~450 mg of pure dxm at about 4 pm, smoked a joint (est 1.3g) 30 minutes later, took 3mg of xanax directly after and then i smoked again (2g blunt, spliffed with grape swisher tobacco. i took 2mg more of xanax and drank a 6 pack, i was up until 5 am, laid inbed at 2:30-3 ans was sitting there trembling and rocking until about 4 when i icould finally control myself and then fell asleep sometime around there. woke up at noon(ish) feeling like i did not dream or anything yet i woke up more refreshed than i have ever been
    • Like 1
  4. I don't see how it's possible to drop a certain amount of items.. unless you're referring to dropping, say, 5 un-noted logs, when you have 10.

    	public boolean isInteractingWithName(String entity) {
    		Entity facingEntity = client.getMyPlayer().getFacing();
    		return facingEntity == null ? false : facingEntity.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(entity);
    	public boolean isInteractingWithId(int id) {
    		Entity facingEntity = client.getMyPlayer().getFacing();
    		if (facingEntity == null) {
    			return false;
    		if (facingEntity instanceof NPC) {
    			return ((NPC) facingEntity).getId() == id;
    		if (facingEntity instanceof RS2Object) {
    			return ((RS2Object) facingEntity).getId() == id;
    		return false;
    	public GroundItem closestGroundItemForNameThatContains(String name) {
    		int distance = 30;
    		GroundItem groundItem = null;
    		for (GroundItem item : client.getCurrentRegion().getItems()) {
    			if (item == null || !item.exists()) {
    			if (item.getName().contains(name) && distance(item) < distance) {
    				groundItem = item;
    				distance = distance(item);
    		return groundItem;
    	public RS2Object closestObjectForName(Position position, String name) {
    		int distance = 30;
    		RS2Object closestObject = null;
    		for (RS2Object object : client.getCurrentRegion().getObjects()) {
    			if (object == null || !object.exists()) {
    			if (object.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && distanceBetween(position, object.getPosition()) < distance) {
    				closestObject = object;
    				distance = (int) distanceBetween(position, object.getPosition());
    		return closestObject;
    	 * Credits to Brainfree and/or Doout
    	public static double distanceBetween(Position A, Position B) {
    		return distanceBetween(A.getX(), A.getY(), B.getX(), B.getY());
    	 * Credits to Brainfree and/or Doout
    	public static double distanceBetween(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
    		return Math.hypot(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
    • Like 1
  5. LOL'd. People don't play Syndra often because there are better champions with the same purpose. Bursting someone.

    Lux for instance can do everything what Syndra can but better.


    Yeah, I'd prefer Lux over Syndra, since the majority of Syndra's skills are single target & Lux is AOE.

    uhm what? all of Syndra's abilities are AOE except for her ultimate
  6. Run the client in terminal, cd into the directory and then:

    java -jar "OSBot 1.7.13.jar"

    If there is any exception errors they will be shown there. From what I've noticed not all errors are shown in log.


    I remember Laz posting something about OpenJDK, not sure whether or not it was to use or or not to use it... but I have it:


    ron@ron-desktop ~ $ java -version
    java version "1.7.0_21"
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.3.9) (7u21-2.3.9-1ubuntu1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.7-b01, mixed mode)

    If you want, add my skype @ aeternalyy and I may be able to help you.

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