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Everything posted by benjamin21444

  1. new thread in the right section. please check it out.
  2. Hi i'm quake, I do gfx for the sniping side of cod and i'm deciding to move over to the botting side;) Everything will be 250k untill i get enough positive feedback then i will be charging 500k+ My youtube- http://www.youtube.com/foolclanz TEMPLATE 1. Dimensions 2. What do you want on it(ex. runescape,cars,fruit,dog pewp) 3. Your name 4. Add my skype- Benjamin21444 Yes/no 5. What do you need Profile pic or Sig. 6. Agree to terms? TERMS 1. I can refuse your request. 2. I will finish in 1hr-1week depends on how busy I am. 3. I will put a small signature on my work in one of the corners of your work(unless profile pic) It lets people know who made it and it actually doesn't look bad. 4. I will only accept 07 gp. I know I just made this account and stuff. I am doing this for free to get rep etc. I am gonna remake my store when i have time which is not often. -Quake PROFILE PICS SIGNATURES(Click on the gyazo links for images, files are too big to upload.) http://gyazo.com/ade3e621b68e92b977de834cdda9d0aa http://gyazo.com/a271681edd7fee6d34c7850cd60c5514 LAYOUTS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 3D then it will be costly!(2m+) I spend lots of time and effort on my work, please do not disrespect me. If you think my prices are high then that is ok, please just go away and don't hate. EX OF 3D WORK! :http://gyazo.com/00f933431dc330bf664dfc7cfeb682d8 http://gyazo.com/2af4ab393f917e7ab027327edcd9daa2
  3. awww sheet How can i get feed back/rep If you go on my youtube channel there is some banners that i have done for youtube.
  4. Hi i'm quake, I do gfx for the sniping side of cod and i'm deciding to move over to the botting side;) Everything will be free untill i get enough positive feedback then i will be charging. My youtube- http://www.youtube.com/foolclanz TEMPLATE 1. Dimensions 2. What do you want on it(ex. runescape,cars,fruit,dog pewp) 3. Your name 4. Add my skype- Benjamin21444 Yes/no 5. What do you need Profile pic or Sig. 6. Agree to terms? TERMS 1. I can refuse your request. 2. I will finish in 1hr-1week depends on how busy I am. I know I just made this account and stuff. I am doing this for free to get rep etc. I am gonna remake my store when i have time witch is not often. -Quake
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