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  1. Hey guys, I'm looking to buy a Woodcutting bot, so i would like to hear your opinions before buying one. Any suggestions? Like the ones with the lowest banrate, highest xp rate etc. Thanks!
  2. Thanks alot Mojito! I Pmed him and i'll try it out
  3. So you're saying it's possible to have 8 bots running at a time with 8 different ips, on same client? Is there any guide on how to recieve and apply a proxy list on this forum? Btw thx for the nice answers already, clearin out everything i didn't know
  4. Is it possible to run several bots, on different IPs or anything?
  5. Holy... Just came back to 07 RS to bot, thinkin they're like they used to be, bad at banning bots and people swimming around bots when ingame, so i started botting, went south of lummy to fish shrimps etc to 40, at lvl 38 i got banned, however 3 got let through, when those 3 accs hit 50 fishing later that day, they all got banned at the same time, next day, the last 4 bots got banned, before even hitting 40 fishing too.. What an improvement, R.I.P Botting/MultipleAccBotting?
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